Stay Home, Save Lives: Top 10 Social Distancing Healthcare Ideas

How to support a social connection in the era of social distancing? What are the best healthcare ideas and tools to provide well-being and protect the citizens? Can telemedicine be of use here?

Together but Six Feet Apart: Healthcare & Social Distancing

We also call it “physical distancing”. It’s a practical measure destined to keep people safe from the virus when they are out of their household. It involves the following rules:

  • 2 arms’ length distance between the people when you get to a socially active, crowded area;
  • Daily preventive actions, involving wearing a protective mask combined with the disposable gloves and a sanitizer;
  • Devoting at least 20 seconds to washing the hands with soap each time you get home from the street.

Is Social Distancing Helpful?


Talking, sneezing, and coughing results in tiny droplets getting into the air and on the skin surface of the surrounding people. If they are close to each other, it can result in droplets getting inhaled in the lungs through the mouth or nose. 6 feet is enough to be protected from these droplets.

Unfortunately, not all people know they are sick, and the majority of those having COVID-19 will not develop serious symptoms. There’s also a sufficient group of people at higher risk (by the way, you should remember that it’s not only about the senior age — many people have a fatal predisposition to catching illnesses like these). If you want to know more about the symptoms of COVID-19, get here for more sufficient information.

COVID-19 does not live on the surface of objects for a long time. Of course, everything depends on the humidity, overall temperature, and many other factors.

Remember that social distancing is helpful due to the following facts:

  • COVID-19 is not as potent as one might think. It can live on the surface starting from several hours and finishing with several days, which depends on the climate and temperature. Nevertheless, even if you interact with the contaminated surfaces, you should merely stick to the daily preventive measures to protect yourself and your relatives from the disease.
  • Preventive measures will protect your home from the virus – just don’t forget to put bottles of sanitizer at all entrances and make sure your kids thoroughly wash their hands before getting to the table.
  • Even if you are not wearing a mask, the risks of getting a virus are low if you don’t forget to hold the distance. Just don’t touch your eyes and nose with your hands while being outside even if you are not in a crowded area. The virus can’t get into your body through the skin.

Staying Healthy & Social Distancing: Top 10 Tips to Try

Know before you go:

  • Get in touch with the local healthcare authorities to make sure you stick to the right preventive measures;
  • Remember to stay about 6 feet away from the residents of your city while waiting at the bus stop or using the underground transportation;
  • Stay away from multiple passenger rides if it’s possible;
  • Be aware that the taxis and rideshares are among the most common ways of getting COVID-19;
  • Use video chats as much as you can and don’t limit online communication to support your relatives and closest friends;
  • Make sure that each of you knows how to protect yourself and the neighbors if you share one household.

TIP #1 Social Distancing Enforcement

If you are an owner of a community pharmacy, remember about the basic social distancing measures to make sure your clients are safe from the virus:

  • Use chairs, tables, and any kinds of barriers to prevent the buyers from getting too close to each other;
  • Cordon the off areas and use tape to help the visitors find the right way to move around without excessive proximity;
  • Invest in acrylic glass barriers to keep the pharmacists and patients protected from each other;
  • Don’t forget about the signs – most pharmacy visitors are responsible for their actions but they often merely forget about the rules.

TIP #2 Maintaining Distance

There’s a wide range of pharmacies and medical healthcare organizations offering remote help even if it’s an emergency case. Telemedicine and the activity of the online pharmacies are beneficial for everyone because it offers the following advantages:

  • The patient will never lose contact with a pharmacy worker if he falls ill;
  • The client will get regular refills without the necessity to leave the household;
  • There will be huge savings thanks to the bulk orders and seasonal price reductions on specific meds.

There’s a wide range of pharmacies and healthcare organizations that can either be private or governmental. They offer a wide range of remote services and telehealth systems. Thankfully, there are such worldwide services as Trust pharmacy saving their clients from a lot of trouble during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their responsible specialists are experienced at remote servicing and offer the following advantages:

  • Prompt interaction with the clients;
  • Low prices thanks to the abundance of high-quality generic replacements of the most expensive meds;
  • Online consultations concerning such delicate things as sexual health, Erectile Dysfunction, and Premature Ejaculation;
  • The widest range of vitamins and supplements to any taste.

Hopefully, it’s not the only pharmacy offering convenient remote servicing. If you’re willing to find out more about the internet drug outlets monitored by the healthcare organizations, visit this page for more substantial information.

TIP #3 Using Telehealth Services to the Full

In-person visits to the doctors and pharmacy specialists have become useless and dangerous for the representatives of both sides. It’s not practical and lacks common sense in the modern world. You’ll be surprised to know that telehealth services can:

  • Screen the patients who think they might have COVID-19;
  • Provide additional assistance without any risks for patients and medical practitioners;
  • Treat mental and emotional health if a patient is struggling with losing weight or eating disorders;
  • Follow the hospitalized patients;
  • Help the doctors plan the medical treatment and counsel the patients even if the doctors themselves are ill;
  • Provide long-term guidance and consult the patients who have to stick to the maintenance therapies and after-surgery recovery procedures;
  • Provide the inhabitants of the rural areas with peer-to-peer consultations;
  • Maintain awareness related to the pandemic.

Of course, telehealth services can be limited. Some patients demonstrate a concern for privacy and don’t feel emotionally comfortable while communicating with their health providers through online interactions. Besides, telehealth is tightly connected with the issue of connectivity and stable hardware equipment. A person living in a rural area can experience problems with regular online contacting.

Additionally, some health conditions demand medical check-ups to avoid the development of the underlying health problems. A physical exam cannot be replaced with anything else.

TIP #4 Taking Care of Your Routine

One of the worst things during the pandemic is the necessity to stay at home most of the time. You should schedule your daily routine to make sure you’re not going crazy. Accept the fact that you will not be able to get back to your habitual activities because of the virus. You should also understand that you are not the only one experiencing this emotional and psychological tension.

Engage yourself in new activities. Start doing sports, learn to paint, cook something you’ve always been dreaming of, and start reading a book begging to be read. It will help you protect your emotional health and fight the uncertainty.

TIP #5 Stay Away from Alcohol

Even if you are not addicted to booze, you might start getting addicted while spending most of the time at home. Yes. It’s a piece of very short advice. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with a glass of wine before you go to sleep or in a bottle of beer for lunch, but don’t fall victim to habits that will ruin your emotional and physical health for no specific reason. Fight boredom and frustration with physical activity and intellectual development.

TIP #6 VoIP Phone System

The phone is the most essential tool when it comes to interaction with the doctor. Not everyone has a computer at home, and it’s not merely about financial matters. Numerous elderly people use solely the phone while getting in touch with the people they need. Consider using VoIP.

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system works through the internet and not through a landline. VoIP solutions are integrated into many businesses all over the world, helping servicing become more discrete and unified.

TIP #7 Embrace Text Messaging

You should learn to use the texts as much as it’s possible. Healthcare providers agree that it’s one of the most effective communication practices. It’s not only about the social distancing, but about keeping all information you share with your healthcare provider in one place, so that you could always check it if you forget something or feel unsure of your current treatment schedule.

Besides, messaging is one of the politest communication options as you don’t have to distract anyone at an inconvenient time. Texting promotes quicker engagement and more effortless interaction.

TIP #8 Study Online Reviews

It’s highly important to find out as much as you can about a pharmacy or a medical service you’re planning to use remotely. Don’t be lazy and devote as much time as you can to studying the reviews of the users and checking whether the pharmacy is reliable or not. A decent pharmacy:

  • Does not get rid of the negative reviews, trying to respond to each of the customers and fix the problems asap;
  • Enhances communication with the clients through many channels, including phone, email, online chat, and more;
  • Requests the contacts of your doctor to make sure the management does not make a mistake while picking out the right medicine for you in line with the results of the latest medical check-up.

TIP #9 Be Specific About Your Health Indicators

Don’t hide away even the tiniest details concerning your health and possible symptoms. You’ll be surprised to know that a patient’s history, combined with his honesty helps to deal with the diagnosis in 80% of cases.

Never hide anything away from your current medical practitioner and a pharmacist. Your honesty can save your life.

TIP #10 Take Care of Cybersecurity

Cybercriminals are always here and ready to use your personal information for many illicit operations, starting from using the financial data, finishing with the blackmailing.

The coronavirus crisis implies that you should be prepared and have cybersecurity measures in place before going online and share the info about your healthcare conditions, as well as the financial information.